Early wireframe 3D analysis model |
When I first joined the industry, digital engineering was very basic. 2D drawings were the norm, companies were beginning to play with some 3D modelling software such as Rhino and 3D plus. Structural analysis was still conducted on a member by member basis with basic wire frames models being adopted and 2D Finite Element Analysis of concrete plates. The emphasis of the industry was to drive repetition to save time time on analysis and drawing. The mantra often being "if it's easy to design it's easy to build".
12 years on and I can say that thankfully with the digital tools available we can design complex structures in about half the time it took 10 years ago. What's more we can actually communicate this information to clients and contractors in multiple formats that allows for understanding of both the complexity and cost. So why is it that many companies are not maximising or using the tools available to them? Why are the engineers not having digital dreams? I've thought about this over the past few years and have come to some conclusions.
To me, the most basic form of a Digital Tool-kit is a 3rd party plugin to Revit or Bentley Structure, normally produced by the structural analysis developer that allows the transfer of data between the software. Typically this transfers geometry and materials, and sometimes includes analytical information such as releases and loads. However very rarely do these plug-ins do what the developer says they do. From my experience anything other than a concrete flat slab with straight columns or similar in composite steel just won't transfer, often the "round trip" simply doesn't work
I have spent many a day with software suppliers telling them this is how the software needs to work and this is how we want to work. The problem to me is that a basic 3D model i.e. flat slab and column, is very easy to draw in a 3D modelling package and very easy to draw in an analysis package. So why mess around with sharing the information backwards and forwards when its likely not to work without a series of bespoke work-arounds? Importantly this wastes already limited time and fee.
Where is the incentive for a design practice to use even the most basic form of tool-kit if in the long run it costs more money to use? Firms get suckered by the big sell and as soon as you try and use the plug-ins they breakdown very quickly. Unfortunately most design firms are often on tight fees and this potential for waste in time and fee just can't happen.
So consider you are a director in a company and the first experience you have of the digital world of engineering is spending £1000 up front and £500 a year on maintenance on a plug in which is no use whatsoever. You're probably going to call it all a waste of time and money and go back to how you did things previously.
If you want to know about music you are going to listen to BBC 6 music, if you want to be sold music you are going to listen to BBC Radio 1. This is true of software in the construction industry If you talk to the big software developers they are going to sell you software but if you talk to the digital engineers in the industry they are going to tell you about the tools available to develop your own processes and tool kits.
And here's the real hook, it shouldn't cost you any capital expenditure at all to develop your own toolkits. Most worthwhile toolkits are free! Yes free! and all you have to do is share and be active with the community. You will also have to free up some time for someone in your business to learn, play, and develop a series of process that suit your company and the way it works, but that is a controllable expenditure.
I can't sit here and write a catch all solution for you, each company is different with different design ethos, software and needs, but I can write about my experience and it is as follows.
When I was at AECOM we originally decided that we wanted to use Rhino with the plug-in Grasshopper to hold all the geometry for the structures we were designing, we would then pass this through into our analysis package, originally by excel but later the team developed an XML plug in called Panda (See Ricky's post Enter The Panda). The files were then passed through to Revit by a link which was an enhanced beta version of the standard plug in which we developed with the software company. This worked really well until the designs became too complicated with bespoke nodal connects and free formed surfaces.
Drawing complex geometry before Dynamo |
Throughout all this development we hit a number of stumbling blocks, but the key was this, we had the basic tools to get around the problems. Often all we needed was to apply the tools in a different way or ask the Grasshopper or Dynamo community if someone had a work around or a component that would solve the issue.
So what does this all cost, well on the assumption you have a copy of Revit and or Rhino, then Dynamo and Grasshopper are both free to download. There are numerous websites with tutorials and YouTube videos. So really the only outlay is an investment in time, and an investment into understanding what digital engineering can give you.
So engineers can dream of a digital world....it's here waiting for you.